Instagram Like Pictures – This text is design to assist Instagram users find out how they will like pictures on Instagram both from a mobile device and on Instagram web, so lets jump straight to the business of the day and find out how to love Instagram pictures and videos below; CHECK HOW TO USE INSTAGRAM FOR LAPTOP WINDOWS 8
On mobile devices
- Open Instagram app from your list of applications on your mobile device, if you have logged in already, it will lead you straight to your Instagram news feed but if you just downloaded yours, you can either sign in to an already existing account with your username and password or create a new account
- Then surf through your Instagram news feed till you see the picture or video you intend to like, you can also search for the account of the person that shared the image or video at the search tab using his/her username or hashtags
- Now when on the picture, double-tap the picture to like it, you can also click on the “like” button which is denoted by a heart-shaped icon just below the picture or video, you will then notice a white heart-shape image turns red, this signifies that you have successfully liked the picture or video.
- You can also unlike a picture or video by double-tapping the picture once again, the red heart-shaped image turns to white, this signifies, you have successfully unlike the picture or video.
Using Instagram web on PC
- Visit the Instagram web site via
- For those using it before, it will go to their Instagram homepage, but for the first time users, you have to login with your username and password
- Scroll through your news feed till the cursor is right on the picture or video you want to like, just like the mobile app, you can also search for the username of the individual that shared the picture or video
- Now double-click on the picture to like it, this shows a heart-shaped image, initially white turns red, to notify you that you have liked the picture or video. HACK PROOF FACEBOOK ACCOUNT
- Using the same step, you can also unlike pictures and video on Instagram on the Instagram web on PC
I hope this is very helpful, kindly share with others on your contact so they may gain from this article.