Happy new months of ember my people as Godcentvc welcomes you all to a brand new month and as well introduce you to the ember months which represent the last phase of the of the year, 2018.
Ember months are basically months which end with the term, “ember” except October with similar “ber”. Others include; September, November and December. These months are regarded as the last quarter of the year.
This is a period when people are close to pushing or forcing themselves to success having Christmas celebration in mind forgetting that success is not gotten by force.
Rather, it is gotten by diligent and consistent slow motion work while praying unto God Almighty for his unending grace and mercy.
Godcentvc is here to present you with some tips to live well in order to see the year 2019.
(1) Never Stand up from Bed without Praying: Do you know that man has spiritual connection to his destiny? If yes, there is therefore every need to get connected to the supernatural maker of man who has the ultimate power to link you up to success with ease.
(2) Never Wake up late: Any time you wake up late, you will find out that you will almost be rushing to meet up with the supposed activities of the day.
This is basically against one the laws of success which says that… a stitch in time, saves Nile. Wake up early and partake in all your daily plans without rushing any and see success at your doorstep.
(3) Always have a daily plan: There is sweet adage which says that “he who fails to plan, plans to fail”… Do you not believe it?
Among the importance of planning is that it will keep you conscious of knowing at all times whether you’re doing the right thing or the wrong thing having your success in mind.
He who fails to plan lives a disordered, disorganized and uncoordinated life which for sure chases success away.
(4)Never hurt the ones who love and trust you: Those who love and trust you could be your family members, friends, neighbours, business associates, fellow workers, etc.
Go ye on therefore to remember and obey the golden rule which says… Do unto others what you would love them to do unto you.
When you treat them well, they will always pray good for you, they will never watch evil befall you, they will always throw smiles to your way and happiness will be yours in return.
(5) Do not stay Late nights outside: Do you know that people are desperate to success this period? The rate of kidnap, stealing, accidents may increase this period as well.
When you retire home early after work, you may not fall victim to any of the activities of hoodlums whose desperation has destroyed their consciences.
Reduce late night clubbing and night drinking at the bars as these places are mainly target points of crime.
(6) Never go to bed Late: Early to bed, they say is early to rise… Research has shown that among the reasons people wake up late is because they slept late. Learn to go to bed early because it gives you enough relaxation to wake up early.
I wish you a happy new months of ember as follow the steps which will make us meet happily again by January, 2019.
I love you…