Delete My Telegram Account Permanently – Since we came across a lot of people asking about ‘how to delete telegram account’ online, we decided to create a comprehensive guide to facilitate the people in need. There are two ways you can delete your Telegram account: the method of self-destruction and manual deactivation. We will now be explaining both processes in detail.
Self-Destruction Method to Delete Telegram Account
As we had said before, Telegram is pro privacy and a security enthusiast’s friend. This is the reason why Telegram has a built-in self-destruct feature. If a Telegram user remains inactive for a certain time frame, the app is designed for self-destruction. This feature will delete not only your Telegram account but also delete your previous conversations and files transferred.
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The app will self-destruct if a user has remained inactive for the period of 6 months, this is app’s self-destruction timer by default. Unfortunately, a user cannot disable this feature, however, you can increase or decrease the time for self-destruction. The self-destruction timer can be set from 1 month to a year. Follow below given steps to change self-destruction timer:
Step 1: Access ‘settings’ from Telegram app.
Step 2: Go to ‘privacy and security’ tab.
Step 3: Under ‘privacy and security’ options, look for ‘delete my account’.
Step 4: Set self-destruction timer to 1 month and you’re good to go.
Manual Deletion via a Desktop or Mobile Browser
As discussed before, Telegram does not allow its users to deactivate or delete their accounts from the app. So, if you wish to delete your Telegram account instantly, you will have to manually delete it yourself via a desktop or mobile browser. Please follow below given steps to delete your Telegram account:
Step 1: Access Telegram deactivation page from a desktop or mobile browser.
Step 2: You would be asked for your login information. Please enter the number you have signed up from and press next.
Step 3: Once you have entered the required information and proceeded, you will receive a confirmation code in your Telegram app.
Step 4: In the confirmation code tab, enter the code received in app and press sign in.
Step 5: The field stating ‘why are you leaving?’ is optional. You can either provide your feedback or skip.
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Step 6: As soon as you have pressed done, a message will pop up – asking you if you are certain about your decision. The message also shows a warning stating that you would no longer be able to used Telegram for several days once you have opted deactivation. Click “Yes, delete my account” and proceed.
Account Successfully Deleted
Congratulations! You have successfully deleted your Telegram account. As discussed before, you would not be able to use or sign up for Telegram for several days once you have deleted your account. So, if you simply want to take a break from the app, we suggest you to adjust self-destruction time and simply remain inactive for the time being rather opting for manual deactivation. However, if you have made up your mind then proceed with aforesaid process to delete your Telegram account permanently.